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What is



BetterLifeology are principal driven teachings that are designed to empower the believer life in real time manifestation along with the Scriptures, promises, and principles of God, all designed to enhance and advance those who believe, with these empowering techniques students and participants will be able to create a better reality.  Better then the current one experienced. 


Betterlifeology Is a new way of living focused on allowing Life to be lived from a victorious and creative perspective. 


BetterLIfeology furthermore is a empowerment program that helps people achieve Higher Self-realization, a state of spiritual consciousness that comes through Re-defining  the self- limiting definitions that we’ve encounter through the formation of our early growth and development. 



About This Program:


BetterLIfeology is based on the teachings of A.L.Blue and was founded to enable people to experience & operate in practical Spirituality, through BetterLifeology You can feel and experience the power of manifestation, along with God’s active presence in your life to build you're better life now through the enhancement of your Mindset, Methods and Movement.


As you proceed through this program, it will become apparent that you already have everything that is required to live the life you choose. 

All that is lacking is the awareness of the abundance which surrounds you, awaiting your engagement and acceptance. The changes required to enjoy an ideal life are internal. Everything in your material world is merely the manifestation of what is taking place in your mind. 


Our  BetterLifeology©  program are built upon the premise, that you have a power within you that is far superior to any condition or circumstance around you. With free will, your thoughts will direct this power to whatever results you choose in your lifetime.



How it all Started ?:


   BetterLifeology was founded by Dr. A.L.Blue over 3 years ago, after the Lord spoke to him and said, "I am sending you to all people to bring my people out of ignorance of self  and their God given authority and power to create their Better Life Now… "I want you to document every revelation that you receive from Me, and offer it to the world." Since then, A.L.Blue has dedicated his life as a Behavior Change Specialist to studying and ministering the mysteries of Christ, which serve as the foundation for the Christian faith. 


The BetterLifeology Training Group, Self-discovery Program and Manifestation Library contains years of revelatory knowledge that have helped so many to walk in the character and image of Christ, to experience the abundant lif i.e. (The Better Life) and we Trust it will do the same for you. 







About our Teacher/Trainer:

Dr. A.L.Blue is a charismactic leader, visionary & prolific bible teacher, as well as media personality. Dr.Blue is a Behavioral Change Specialist who flows with a prophetic voice that is anchored in deep biblical truths, easily understood by the youngest as well as the most mature believers. His ministry has been marked by strong deliverances, financial breakthroughs and personal life changes. As a Behavior Change Specialist and Better Life Teacher, Pastor Blue's teachings and messages focuses on increase in the areas of finances, wealth building through Gold & Silver, personal empowerment, relationships and emotional balance. His ministry & programs specializes in reaching the Least, Lost and Left behind through powerful personal growth teachings & Techniques in the areas of: Better Life Development, Prayer,Fasting, Meditation and manifestation  along with spiritual empowerment enhancing every person to Live their BETTER LIFE NOW.



Dr Blue has work and trained people internationally from all walks of life. and has assisted in the growth and development of families, couples and individuals as well as organizations to experience their optimal performance in Business production , Leadership Development and relationship engagement. all done from the inside out, Building better MINDSETS, engaging unique METHODS, and encouraging strategic MOVEMENTS to accomplish desired results. i.e. A Better Life experience.







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